Siirry sisältöön

A step towards independent living

We have launched a pilot scheme to offer apartments for longer-term rental to our clients who are ready to move up the housing ladder and into independent living.

In several of our activities, we have found that the challenges of rehousing can be a barrier to progressing along the housing pathway. Even if our client is ready for independent living or living with very light support, for various reasons there is no apartment to be found. Conditions for independent living include the ability to pay the rent and to live without disturbance. Studies have also shown that immigrants have difficulties in finding accommodation, even if the conditions for successful independent living are present.

A concept to strengthen progress on the housing pathway

To reinforce the progression along the housing pathway, we have launched a pilot to offer our available scattered-site apartments for longer-term, independent living to our clients. This will enable us to offer housing to groups of clients experiencing homelessness who we have not always been able to help to move to the next stage of the housing pathway, such as Y-Foundation housing.

Now in its initial phase, the provision of longer-term rental accommodation for independent living is being piloted for clients of the Blue Ribbon Foundation’s AIMO Housing Support and Counselling and Immigrant Services and Blue Ribbon Ltd’s In-Home Support Services. Each activity will define its own criteria for offering housing to its clients. For example, the criteria of AIMO and In-Home Support Services are linked to the Sinimittari.

Sinimittari is a tool developed by the Sininauhasäätiö Group to measure the effectiveness of customer work in five different areas of life: health, finance, well-being, everyday life management and inclusion.

Continuity and permanence lay the foundations for a good life

The transition to independent living enabled by the new approach will serve as a continuum of the housing pathway. It also complements the services and opportunities currently available to clients through the various activities of the Blue Ribbon Foundation Group. The possibility of access to long-term housing will provide stability for clients even after the actual need for support no longer exists. In turn, secure housing provides a good basis for moving on in life.

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Housing support and advice, Aimo
Immigrant work
In-home support services