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Enhanced housing assistance with Essi-Alliansi

We are using an alliance model to develop new, comprehensive service concepts for a customer group that uses a large number of services.

Neljä henkilöä iskevät nyrkkinsä yhteen yhteistyön eleenä. Neljä henkilöä iskevät nyrkkinsä yhteen yhteistyön eleenä.

Essi-Alliansi is a solution-centric cooperation model developed by the City of Espoo and comprising the City of Espoo, Edistia, the Finnish Foundation for Supporting Ex-offenders, and the Blue Ribbon Foundation Group.

Essi-Alliansi targets clients who are currently in impractical housing or in need of simultaneous support from several services. Clients might also include long-term homeless, a young person in child protection aftercare, ex-offenders or someone with mental health and substance abuse problems.

Clients of Essi-Alliansi need multifaceted, individually tailored support to manage their daily lives. Through this service, we coach clients in using public services, we ensure housing success, we offer advice on managing life skills and we strengthen their ability to live an active life.

Clients of Essi-Alliansi receive services based on the housing first – principle

Become an Essi-Alliansi client

You can apply to become an Essi-Alliansi client through your own social worker. The social worker assesses the client’s situation and support needs. The client can then be referred to Essi-Alliansi. The level of support the clients receive varies depending on their needs.

More information about Essi-Allianssi in Finnish here .

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