Siirry sisältöön

Homes, support, outreach

We offer supported housing and substance abuse services to help people who have experienced prolonged homelessness and are in a vulnerable position. Our work is based on expertise, customer focus and impact. We work so that there’s a place for everyone.

Hymyilevä työntekijä pyörätuolissa liikkuvaa asiakasta vastassa. Hymyilevä työntekijä pyörätuolissa liikkuvaa asiakasta vastassa.

Customer-focused services

Blue Ribbon Ltd is a homelessness and substance abuse specialist and service provider. We offer customer-focused supported housing service and communal and enhanced service housing in Housing First and substance-free units. We also provide temporary and emergency accommodation. In addition, our services include in-home housing support and outpatient substance abuse services.

Our customers are mainly referred to us through the wellbeing services counties’ social services or through substance abuse and mental health services. We currently operate in Helsinki and in the West Uusimaa, Vantaa-Kerava, Central Uusimaa, East Uusimaa, Southwest Finland and Pirkanmaa wellbeing services counties.

Our work in numbers


professionals working in blue Ribbon Foundation Group


social and health care professionals


customers in 2023



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