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What Blue Ribbon Ltd does

We provide effective, supported housing and substance abuse services to help people who have experienced prolonged homelessness and are otherwise in a vulnerable situation.

Kamera on tarkentunut työntekijän huppariin, jonka selässä lukee Sininauha Oy. Taustalla henkilö ottaa ruokaa lautaselleen keittiösaarekkeelta. Kamera on tarkentunut työntekijän huppariin, jonka selässä lukee Sininauha Oy. Taustalla henkilö ottaa ruokaa lautaselleen keittiösaarekkeelta.

Built on expertise and respect for human dignity

Blue Ribbon Ltd is a significant expert and provider of supported housing and outpatient substance abuse services. Clients are referred to our services by the social services or substance abuse and mental health services of the wellbeing services areas.

Our expertise in homelessness and substance abuse work is based on decades of work by the Blue Ribbon Foundation, which was established in 1957, and on the active experience- and researched-based development of our operations.

Our work with clients is based on respectful outreach, a coaching and inclusive approach, goal orientation, and solutions and operating models based on the individual needs of our customers. Through our multidisciplinary expertise, we want to help our clients towards a more independent daily life and a good life that is meaningful to them.

Supported, communal living

The supported housing services we provide are based on the housing first principle and substance-free housing service units and service housing services. We also offer temporary and shelter accommodation.

We are one of the largest housing first operators in Finland. Under the housing-first model, substance-free housing is not a prerequisite for securing a home, but a home is the first step towards rehabilitation and a more independent, meaningful life.

Our clients are people who are experiencing or at risk of prolonged homelessness. They also often have a history of substance abuse or mental health challenges as well as other social problems related to homelessness for which they need support.

Once housing is secured, we can work with the resident to find solutions to their other challenges. Each of our residents has individually tailored, goal-oriented plans to enable rehabilitation. The implementation of these plans is monitored regularly.

In-home housing support

In Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Turku, we provide in-home services directly in the client’s home.

The aim is to strengthen the client’s resources, support the smooth running of everyday life and create cooperation networks. With supported housing, we aim to ensure successful housing and help the client move towards an independent, meaningful life.

Individually tailored substance abuse services

A joint venture between Sininauha Ltd. and Addiktum Ltd., Suuntasi Päihdepalvelut Ltd. offers home-based detoxification treatment, home-based outpatient treatment and opioid substitution treatment in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and Tampere.

In our substance abuse services, the client and their individual needs are always at the centre of our work, and we engage with them respectfully and holistically. We offer a safe environment and a relaxed atmosphere where we listen to our clients and work together to find the best solutions to their problems.