Siirry sisältöön

Sahapuisto – individualised, holistic support

The Sahapuisto housing service unit in Vantaa’s Rajatorppa neighbourhood provides supported housing especially for people who have experienced prolonged homelessness and also have substance abuse and mental health problems.

Asukas hoitaa Sahapuiston asumispalveluyksikön yhteisötilan ikkunalaudalla kasvavia kasveja. Asukas hoitaa Sahapuiston asumispalveluyksikön yhteisötilan ikkunalaudalla kasvavia kasveja.

Housing at Sahapuisto is supported housing where the management of everyday life and living is strengthened with the support of staff. The support is holistic, multi-professional and tailored to the individual needs of the resident.

Our work takes into account the resident’s overall wellbeing and functioning networks. Our approach is one of inclusion and encouraging activeness in daily life. Sahapuisto residents have the opportunity to take part in work activities that support substance-free living.

Our services are based on the housing-first principle, whereby substance-free living is not a precondition to housing, but housing is the first step towards rehabilitation. The idea is to secure housing first and then address the other challenges of the resident’s life together with them.

Pursuing successful housing

At Sahapuisto the aim is to improve and stabilise housing skills for residents: maintaining and strengthening functional capacity, directing residents to services and benefits, breaking the cycle of homelessness and enabling more independent living.

Sahapuisto has 58 apartment units. The units are on four floors and there is no lift. Our staff is on site 24 hours a day.

Cooperation with the neighbourhood

Our residents are important to us and we care about their wellbeing. We also actively work to advance tolerance and diversity. We believe that everyone has the right to a dignified life and equal treatment. We respect the dignity of the human as an individual and as a member of society.

We discuss with each person who moves in with us how to take into account the environment around their home. We actively work to ensure that everyone living in a Blue Ribbon home is accepted as part of the neighbourhood. As part of our neighbourhood work, we engage in an ongoing dialogue with our residents, the neighbourhood, and the businesses, institutions and authorities that operate there. We also implement community rounds in the area around the unit. We also implement community rounds in the area around the unit.

Want to live with us?

To live in one of our homes, first contact the social services in your wellbeing services area. Housing with us is based on a contract under the Act on Residential Leases and is valid indefinitely.

Contact us

Sahatie 1, Vantaa

Sahapuiston asumispalveluyksikkö

Sahapuisto On-call numbers
24/7 phone
046 601 9105

Minna Peltonen

Sahapuisto Myrri
Unit Manager
050 401 2444

Sari Nokelainen

Sahapuisto Myrri
Team Leader
044 768 8493