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Who to contact?

If you need more information about our services or invoices, or if you want to get in touch with us in any other way, you can find our contact details below. The contact details are broken down either by topic or by operator.

Henkilö selaa Sininauhasäätiö-konsernin nettisivuja käyttäen kannettavaa tietokonetta. Henkilö selaa Sininauhasäätiö-konsernin nettisivuja käyttäen kannettavaa tietokonetta.

If you are a Helsinki resident, please contact the ASTU housing support unit of the City of Helsinki Social Welfare Department to get an apartment. We do not select the tenants ourselves, but we place new tenants from the waiting list based on a placement decision by housing support unit.hyv

If you are not registered in Helsinki, please contact your social worker or the social services in your wellbeing services county to obtain accommodation. We do not make the choice of tenant ourselves.

If your matter concerns As Oy Sahapuisto, please send an email to

For information on internships and thesis opportunities and contact details, visit the for students page.

Issues concerning tenders, authorisations and contracts, and invoicing:

Charges, notices and warnings, meeting notices:

Ruusulankatu 10 Helsinki (Ruusulankatu Housing Unit)
Mäkelänkatu 50 Helsinki (Pessi housing unit)
Sahatie 1 Vantaa (Sahapuisto housing unit)
Bostoninkaari 11 Tuusula (Mutterimaja housing unit)
Solkikuja 8 Vantaa (Myrri housing unit)
Vuorelanmäki 1,2,3,7 Kerava (Vuorela housing unit)

Addresses other than those listed above:

Capital Region In-Home Support Services
Turku Region In-Home Support Services

Ruusulankatu 10 Helsinki (Ruusulankatu Housing Unit)
Mäkelänkatu 50 Helsinki (Pessi housing unit)
Sahatie 1 Vantaa (Sahapuisto housing unit)
Bostoninkaari 11 Tuusula (Mutterimaja housing unit)
Solkikuja 8 Vantaa (Myrri housing unit)
Vuorelanmäki 1,2,3,7 Kerava (Vuorela housing unit)

Addresses other than those listed above:

Capital Region In-Home Support Services
Turku Region In-Home Support Services

Please contact us or report your observation using the contact form.

In case of an emergency, always call 112 and in non-urgent cases, such as those involving property, report the crime as a matter of priority.

Real estate and renovation invoices:
Blue Ribbon Foundation purchase invoices:
Purchase invoices for Sininauha Ltd:

We provide substance abuse services through Suuntasi päihdepalvelut Oy.

Helsinki Metropolitan Area
As a rule, people seek our substance abuse services through a referral from the substance abuse services of the Helsinki and Länsi-Uusimaa and Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing service counties. It is also possible to purchase home-based detoxification and home-based outpatient treatment privately. Contact

In Tampere, you have the possibility to seek outpatient treatment in the outpatient treatment service of your choice. You can contact us for a low-threshold, phone or visit. You can find our contact details here. In Pirkanmaa, you also have the possibility to switch to another provider every year.

If your case concerns Tela Fastighets Ab, please send an email to

For more information, please contact the Heads of Unit.

Ruusulankatu 10 Helsinki (Ruusulankatu Housing Unit)
Mäkelänkatu 50 Helsinki (Pessi housing unit)
Sahatie 1 Vantaa (Sahapuisto housing unit)
Bostoninkaari 11 Tuusula (Mutterimaja housing unit)
Solkikuja 8 Vantaa (Myrri housing unit)
Vuorelanmäki 1,2,3,7 Kerava (Vuorela housing unit)

Addresses other than those listed above:

Capital Region In-Home Support Services
Turku Region In-Home Support Services