Siirry sisältöön

Linnakoti – supported temporary housing in Turku

The Linnakoti temporary housing unit offers tailored support for homeless clients and clients at risk of homelessness.

Support for success in more permanent housing

The Linnakoti temporary housing unit is intended as an interim solution on the pathway from street homelessness towards finding a more permanent housing solution. Clients are referred through the social services of the Southwest Finland wellbeing services county.

Linnakoti’s aim is to improve and solidify the conditions for successful housing for clients. Activities aim to maintain and strengthen the client’s functional capacity, to guide them towards services and benefits, and to break the cycle of homelessness

Holistic help with housing and daily challenges

At Linnakoti, the daily life and life management skills of clients are strengthened through staff support. The multi-professional support is holistic and tailored to the individual needs of the resident. The focus is on the resident’s overall wellbeing, helpful networks, and an approach that encourages inclusion and activeness in daily life.

The unit offers a variety of community activities for all clients. Each clients is assigned their own caseworker and Blue Ribbon’s trained staff are present around the clock.

Active neighbourhood work

Our clients are important to us, and we care about their wellbeing. We believe that everyone has the right to a decent life and equal treatment. We respect the dignity of the person as an individual and as a member of society.

We talk to each person moving into Linnakoti about how to take the unit’s environment into account. We actively work to ensure that the people who live with us are accepted as part of the neighbourhood. We are in constant dialogue with our residents, the neighbourhood and the businesses, institutions and authorities that operate there – this is what we call neighbourhood work. Part of our neighbourhood work is our daily environmental work, including walking around the neighbourhood, picking up litter and engaging with the neighbourhood.

Contact us

Linnankatu 39, Turku

Linnakoti asumispalveluyksikkö

Linnakoti On-call numbers
24/7 phone
050 341 0243  

Petri Muli

Linnakoti In-home support services
Unit Manager
044 491 9328